Pre-Christmas 2010

Gavin making a gingerbread house. He had so much fun making it. It was last years clearance so I had to keep telling him not to eat the candy that it was "bad"
Giving sissy a kiss
In front of the kid's tree

My sweet little Livie!

Shopping for our Christmas tree at the city tree farm.... Lowes!

I can't believe she's holding her own bottle now
I just love this......
Brian got these pics one morning while I was at work

4th of July at the Riverwalk

Locke & Gavin dancing in the street

This would have been a good pic until "Mary got back!"
Adryana, Caleb, Erin,Robert, Mary Beth & Locke
Erin & I
Bob & MB
Brian, Gavin, Me and baby Lamb

Bass Pro shops night in Prattville, Alabama
Gavin had a blast with all the boats and stuff...we did too!!

Mary Beth, Robert & Gavin on the oversized golf cart thingamabog
Playing on the boats

Why I need this baby girl...............

Gavin has a little obsession with all my hair accessories.....
and my body lotion.......

and my pony tail holders......
and well he just loves soft fluffy things. What can I say?

Summer 2010

Beach trip to Destin, Florida-May 2010
Bob & MB
Brittnee & Matt

7 months pregnant

having fun in the water
Robert had a willy!

Brian stayed on the beach due to his fear of sharks but he was a good sport!

Church pics

Say Cheese!

Which one of us does he look like???
You guessed it.........he is all Lamb!
Maybe our baby girl will look like me.....or Brian

Gavin's obsessions

So my son likes to get into things like all "normal" 2 year olds.
He loves hats and shoes. Since Brian doesn't wear hats (head too big, LOL) and I have the monopoly on shoes Gavin's only choice is to wear my stuff. Maybe his little sister will be a tomboy.......